Nowadays, no one can imagine a road trip without perfect sunglasses; some people even wear them daily. You need to know how to choose sunglasses, as they are a part of constantly developing fashion. Therefore, you must ask yourself, "How to choose sunglasses that fit your face?" Only some types of sunglasses fit you, but you'll only know once you try them. Therefore, check out our top ten recommendations and find your new favorites!
10. Shield
These sunglasses look very rich!
With one continuous lens and without the typical two parts sunglasses have, shield sunglasses are so authentic you'll never mix them with any other type. If you think they're too innovative for you and fear they won't suit you, you may have to leave your comfort zone since they fit many face shapes!
The look you can achieve with shield sunglasses is exceptionally bold since you'll be the person everyone notices in the room. Once you wear them, everyone will remember you when they see them in shops – it will become your brand. What's the reason behind it? It's because not everyone is brave enough to pull them confidently!
9. Oversized
Elegance is the key here!
If you thought you needed boldness for shield sunglasses... You'll require way more confidence for the oversized ones! These sunglasses are pretty massive, and many people don't feel attractive wearing them. Of course, they can't fit smaller faces and shapes, but if your face suits the concept, you should try them!
Furthermore, oversized sunglasses cover the entire area around your eyes and more, making them very comfortable. They also hide various imperfections, and they're a symbol of elegance. Hence, combining them with fancy and vintage dresses is easy. Leather and fur also go fantastic with them!
8. Clubmaster
Ray-Ban has many clubmaster sunglasses you'd like
OK, this title might sound odd or exotic. However, you've been seeing these sunglasses all around the place! Clubmasters are one of the most famous Ray-Ban models, mostly seen among men. Still, ladies are pulling them effortlessly, too! Unlike shields or oversized, these sunglasses go well with various face shapes, even oval and square!
How to recognize the clubmaster shape? These always have a thick upper frame, and the lower one isn't dominant at all. The thicker frame can come in various colors and prints but can also be traditionally brown or black. You can have two or three colors to make them more accessible, or if you're sticking to the basics, go for the black ones!
7. Tiny
Vintage is in focus once again!
If you're the cool chic that follows trends, you've probably got a pair or two of tiny sunglasses since these are back in town! Designers increasingly appreciate retro, and it's evident by the number of celebrities pulling those you wear for the aesthetics and not for the sun!
Of course, tiny sunglasses can vary from the thinnest versions to those with a thick frame with vibrant red or even white colors. The truth is, you have to be trendy while wearing them. They're tiny but very remarkable and eye-catching, so everyone will admire your choice when they see you with these sunglasses.
6. Wayfarer
These will look good on you no matter what!
Are you tired of our weird how-to-choose-your-glasses recommendations, hoping to find something classic? Welcome back to the wayfarer, glasses that agree that it's best to stick to the traditional types, or if you are still asking yourself, "What are the perfect sunglasses for my face." Nothing is too thick on these frames, and not a single shape is odd or authentic – it's class and simplicity all at once, and you won't have difficulty adjusting.
Of course, the wayfarer is never too oversized and not too tiny to avoid protecting you from the sun. They're mostly the choice of those who don't want to experiment, but you can find a wayfarer in a colorful style if you wish. The blue wayfarer sunglasses have been a trend that's still going on - it's just a bit more subtle, though!
5. Heart-Shaped
The Lolita sunglasses are the dreamy side of every vintage lady
Do you know when they say you're viewing life through rose-tinted sunglasses and should grow up? Well, those are mostly heart-shaped, too! These were every girl's dream at least once in life, and you should let your inner child out and finally try to pull them if they fit your face shape!
Of course, even heart-shaped sunglasses have their own types – you can go for thin frames and bigger lenses, usually made in light pink, rose color. If you'd like a thicker frame, the primary type consists of red frames and black lenses. Which ones would you try to pull? Don't be shy - go for it!
4. Aviator Sunglasses
Find out which size works for you
Some sunglasses require a particular face shape, while others are really versatile. Aviator sunglasses are the type you choose when you want to play it safe, but also avoid the thick frames that the wayfarer has. Wayfarer is plain in the same way as aviators, yet aviators are flatter and basically frameless!
You probably see at least one person with aviators whenever you look around. Hence, they might be the most beloved type of sunglasses ever made, so you probably already had a pair or two at home. Luckily, aviators are flattering no matter your face shape, so don't be afraid to pull them again!
3. Colorful Sunglasses
Yellow sunglasses are a thing now!
We've already mentioned various colors for some of the types we represented. Still, the vibrant lenses are a style on their own! If you're bored of the basic brown and black lenses, you're probably an open-minded person and an adventurer. Colorful sunglasses are your ideal type, for sure!
Furthermore, a vibrant shade of blue and light transparent yellow are the two most common colors when searching for colorful lenses. With these two, it's hard to make a mistake, but you can also try light pink or some more daring color if you're naturally bold and authentic. You're already standing out if you're choosing colorful sunglasses, anyway!
2. Round
There's something so cool in them!
Whether strictly round or a bit oval, they're so attractive and chic – round sunglasses will never go out of style! Strangely enough, these feel vintage and fresh at the same time. You never know whether they remind you of the newest trends or a retro comeback. You know you'll look fabulous with them, anyway!
However, the con is that they might not fit your face shape. Round faces can barely look great with round sunglasses. Still, if you see it's not working, you can find a similar one that isn't strictly circular – an oval shape is a bit more subtle, and maybe they'll fit. Don't give up on round sunglasses because they're too cool to stop trying!
1. Cat Eye
These are a bit oversized, too!
Are you obsessed with the cat-eye look that BLACKPINK's Jennie pulls? Yes, cat eyes are attractive, and so many girls want them. However, if cat eye surgery isn't acceptable, you can wear cat eye-shaped sunglasses anytime. They'll instantly give you a look you want!
Cat-eye sunglasses originate from the 1950s, so they're a vintage trend that returned stronger than ever. These mostly have a thick frame, and when they do, they're usually oversized. Of course, they can also be smaller, so their versatility brings you various opportunities to find the ideal type for your face shape!
Of course, the definition of perfect sunglasses depends on your taste and face shape, so you might only find some of these types pretty. However, you should be brave and pull various shapes since you probably don't know how many would fit you like a glove. Fashion exists for experimenting, so go for it! Our top ten list should give you plenty of ideas.
Which sunglasses do you like the most? Do you own any of these shapes? Let us know in the comments section!
Cover photo: private archive