It's so easy to write essays on why some people don't like several genres in literature because it became popular to hate popular stuff. That's how pop psychology also took first place as the most disliked genre, even though they sell these books like hot cakes! Do you wonder why pop psychology causes so much drama? These top ten facts might open your eyes!
10. Spending Money on Them is Pointless
"Psychology" and "money" in the same sentence – how contradictory is it when it comes to pop psychology books?
It's a popular opinion that pop psychology only takes money away from you because the books are utterly useless and don't even entertain you. Is that a stereotype? It depends on what you usually read at home, but if your home library has fiction and exciting stories that are amusing and help you pass the time, you'll definitely agree!
There are many contradictory things in pop psychology and excessive buying of these books. They sell out fast and often give tips on saving money, but can pop psychology books help you save money when you spend on them? And when they don't help you, what do you do with them?
9. Motivational Speakers Already Get a Lot of Hate
She's not the only one who says this!
You know those jokes when someone says their job is "motivational speaker." People usually say you're not doing anything if that's your profession. While it's far from true, most pop psychology pieces of literature also seem like motivational speeches! This tone won't help the books become more popular – they gather more hate instead!
Moreover, let's bring the topic of "money" back. Many believe motivational speakers only try to make you spend money on the products and lifestyle they promote; the same goes for pop psychology books. Maybe you don't need motivation from books and people trying to sell you that – maybe motivation isn't coming from them!
8. "Everyone" Can Write These Books
They're a perfect example of pop psychology authors
Who are those pop psychology writers? Are they psychologists, motivational speakers, or something else? Well, they're all of it, and more than we think! However, that's one of the reasons why people don't like these books. They'd prefer professional psychologists to give them tips instead of people that didn't even study psychology.
Of course, many pop psychology writers are professionals. Still, not all of them are, which is a bit underwhelming for the readers. Unfortunately, the most famous pop psychology books are sometimes those that have nothing to do with professionalism. People name everything "psychology" these days – even stuff that is far from that!
7. They Don't Think It's Science
Is pop psychology science? That's an even bigger question
Is pop psychology science at all? Is it enough to put the adjective "popular" to a science to make it an actual scientific phenomenon? How could it be science when we mentioned that sometimes non-psychologists write those books? The problematic approach to psychology makes people dislike it entirely!
Of course, some people believe that astrology is also a form of science, so it definitely depends on you. If you're skeptical, you'll most likely avoid pop psychology and find it funny. Some people go so far that they question psychology as a science – the human brain and behavior are complicated, anyway!
6. Psychologists Would Rather Read the "Traditional" Books
Freud is probably your choice when you want to read the traditional psychology
Like any other science (if you accept psychology as one of them), there are old and new approaches and movements you can learn about. Some science books stand the test of time, and they're considered classics now. Professional psychologists would definitely prefer to learn from veterans that are 100% reliable!
The terms "modern" and "traditional" were always contradictory, and people usually choose sides. Tradition brings something important to science and cannot be compared to new ideas, even though the world needs both. In conclusion, a good psychologist should investigate both views, starting from the traditional one!
5. Popular Genres Are Always Hated
Do you hate stuff that's trending? Why?
When something becomes "mainstream," it's evident that many people love it, and the company profits from this product. However, it's also "popular" to hate the thing that got "popular" – it's probably a phenomenon that psychology can explain! Yet, when we think twice, are these books as bad as some say?
Hence, the next time you join a group hating something or someone just because it's trendy, hold on and see if it makes sense. Maybe you'd like some pop psychology books if you gave them a chance, but you think it's "garbage" because people portray them like that. Try thinking outside of the box!
4. Fiction is Way More "Popular"
These have always been popular!
If we discuss the actual "popular," it probably isn't pop psychology but fiction! People would rather read about crime, fantasy, or other stuff that isn't common in their everyday life since we use books as a form of escapism. Reading is a hobby and something we do to enjoy the day, so we usually find odd themes entertaining!
We can definitely relate if you prefer fiction, and that's why you avoid non-fictional tips and tricks that come with pop psychology! Why would you surround yourself with reality and tips on what to do in life when books are there to help you escape and funnily pass the time? Non-fiction will never get as popular as Harry Potter or the iconic classics!
3. These Books Bring a Lot of Myths
Unfortunately, most of the facts you read are only myths
Do opposites really attract? Sometimes yes, but not necessarily. Will you be happier if you smile even when you don't feel like it? Sometimes it's better to wear your heart on your sleeve. In which ways in everyday life do men and women differ? Some of these facts are true, but some are pure myths from popular psychology.
Hence, it's essential to draw the line somewhere if you're obsessing over pop psychology myths. They might help you understand some phenomena better, but you should know they might not be correct. That's why people prefer skipping myths entirely – they may just mix things up in your head instead of giving you accurate advice!
2. People Don't Accept Advice Well
It's a tip many people should listen to
…Especially on their behavior and habits. If you think a book "throws a shade" on how you reacted to a particular situation, maybe it's time to accept that you can also be wrong sometimes. However, people rarely admit that they might need help and advice and would rather keep their attitude. That's not the way things work every time!
After all, you should acknowledge that these books are mostly tips and tricks, so if you're not ready to read more about it, you should avoid that type of literature. The advice in the book might be completely wrong and unnecessary, but if it's actually good, don't generalize it. Don't judge a book by its genre or cover – this phrase isn't a myth!
1. The Books Don't Work… for Everyone
Why can't it help you?
Most people that are against pop psychology are those that have read some of the books and realized that nothing changed. That's because working on your mental health requires way more than reading books like these! If you believe a book indeed helped you, you probably did more than just read it because it isn't a magic wand that changes lives!
Can a book actually help anyone? It probably can, but it depends on how the book was written, who wrote it, and how much you got attached to the story. Sometimes a fictional book can change your life way more than non-fiction trying to tell you which way is right for you. It's not easy to find a life-changing story nowadays!
Of course, it's OK if you like this genre or both traditional and pop psychology. Don't feel guilty if people tell you it's wrong or useless – every product has its place in this world, and someone will like it. It's also perfectly fine to read those lines about happiness and bliss only to pass the time. We just stated some facts about why people generally don't really feel like that!
Do you read pop psychology? Is it your favorite genre, and why? Let us know your opinion!
Cover photo: Alicia Christin Gerald/Unsplash