It's in human nature to constantly raise the bar. It could be the strength of your car, the amount of money one has, or how much you can lift. The point is to surpass and overcome the limits. In most cases, that's a good thing because it pushes individuals and society. However, sometimes there have to be brakes on the crazy train. Alcoholic drinks have been humanity's friends for thousands of years, but sometimes, you have to rein your friend in. You'll be surprised to see the variety of reasons why some drinks were banned. Cheers!
10. Five Wives Vodka
Mormons are very sensitive and also very much armed
Type: Spirit | |
Why is it banned: Mormons got offended | |
Why is it dangerous: Mormon community will hunt you down | |
Level of intoxication: Moderate | |
Five Wives Vodka sounds like a concoction that the creators of "South Park" would have made. As if the name wasn't controversial enough, five women wearing Mormon garb are seen lowering their skirts in the label. Unbelievably, the beverage is produced by Ogden's Own Distillery in Utah, the state with the greatest percentage of Mormons in the nation.
Idaho first outlawed Vodka after the Idaho State Liquor Division determined it might insult Mormons and women. Nevertheless, Idaho later lifted the ban to avoid legal repercussions. In reality, the beverage's name was inspired by the first wagon train in Utah, which contained five ladies. "We're not making fun of anyone," the distillery's president said; "rather, we're just sort of acknowledging the history."
9. Nutcrackers
Nutcrackers are tough drinks to savor
Type: Cocktail | |
Why was it banned: Intoxication danger | |
Why is it dangerous: High-proof drinks with sweet juice to mask it | |
Level of intoxication: High | |
This illicit alcoholic beverage, which has roots in Harlem, has been a summertime custom in New York City since the 1990s. Nutcrackers' basic principle is uncomplicated. Put numerous high-proof alcoholic beverages into plastic bottles, such as 151-proof Bacardi 151 rum, 160-proof Devils Springs vodka, Southern Comfort, or just about anything else.
Add sweet fruit juice, such as mango, pineapple, or cranberry, and freeze the mixture until it solidifies into slush. Nutcrackers are relatively easy to find in New York City, even though it's against the law to sell alcohol without a permit. Typically, a 12-ounce bottle costs $10.
8. Phrosties
The most dangerous kids' drink ever
Type: Homemade Slushie | |
Why was it banned: Poison hazard | |
Why is it dangerous: Alcohol + Sugar in high doses | |
Level of intoxication: High | |
This drink might be mistaken for a kid's beverage due to its vibrant colors and slush-like texture. That is only one of several reasons the State Liquor Authority of New York put Phrosties under the ice. The method of distribution was the only thing shadier than the actual goods. The sweet drinks, which came in various flavors, could be ordered through an Instagram account for $10.
Alcohol and sweets allowed Phrosties to amass over 12,000 Instagram followers. However, the unlicensed beverage sparked debate when Swimmingly published a piece titled "We Ordered Illegal Alcoholic Slushies and (Barely) Lived to Tell the Tale." The service was promptly shut down after New York Senator Charles Schumer took it on, though D.I.Y. recipes can still be found online.
7. Palcohol
Alcohol dust is one of the worst ideas ever
Type: Powdered Alcohol | |
Why was it banned: Drinking alcohol is bad enough | |
Why is it dangerous: Eating alco dust is kinda unhealthy | |
Level of intoxication: High | |
Because powdered alcohol can be mistaken for a kid's drink or is simple to snort, there has been a considerable amount of reaction over health concerns. Perhaps the most well-known example is Palcohol. Customers only need to add water to this powdered drink mix from Lipsmark, first introduced in 2014.
It's like Kool-Aid in the cocktail world! The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau first cleared the product for U.S. distribution; however, this turned out to be due to a "mistake," and the T.T.B. subsequently withdrew its certification, though they would eventually sign off on corrected labeling. Nonetheless, the Ohio statute that outlawed powdered alcohol was heavily influenced by Palcohol. By 2017, there were 35 U.S. jurisdictions where powdered alcohol was forbidden.
6. Four Loko
Hey, let's mix Vodka and Red Bull; what's the worst-
Type: Energy Drink | |
Why was it banned: Rise in heart problems at youth | |
Why is it dangerous: You'll experience the heart rate of a hummingbird | |
Level of intoxication: Very high | |
Recall this caffeinated spirit that was marketed to college students a few years ago. The concept was that you could become inebriated and buzzing simultaneously. Yet, this has turned out to be a bad thing. Four Lokos made many heart rates sky-high, like a space shuttle powered by kryptonite.
The alcohol-infused energy drink, often known as "blackout in a can," was to blame for multiple alcohol-related hospitalizations, getting the corporation into trouble with authorities. Yet, Four Loko is still available on shop shelves. The new version no longer contains caffeine, making it a shell of its once juiced-up self.
5. Stiffy's Jaffa Cake Vodka
Only for the hard guys
Type: Vodka with flavor | |
Why was it banned: Sexual innuendo | |
Why is it dangerous: Vodka, 'nuff said | |
Level of intoxication: Moderate | |
Sometimes the corporation gets into trouble for reasons unrelated to the contents of a drink. Stiffy's Jaffa Cake Vodka is one example where this happened due to poor marketing. This liqueur gave consumers the impression that they were sipping Jaffa cake biscuits thanks to its distinctive blend of chocolate and orange flavors.
The moniker "Stiffy" is, however, certainly a little... provocative. Even though the beverage was ostensibly named for a collaborator, Portman Group Code linked "Stiffy" to "sexual success." As a result, the organization outlawed Kola Kube and Stiffy's Jaffa Cake Vodka. This led to the business changing its name to Stivy's. Stiffy's was apparently referred to as the "party lubricator of choice" by a 17-year-old, which forced a major grocery chain to remove its products from the shelves.
4. Duff Beer
Transition from "The Simpsons" to the real world didn't go well
Type: Beer | |
Why was it banned: Advertising alcohol to children | |
Why is it dangerous: Lawyers everywhere | |
Level of intoxication: Moderate | |
Homer Simpson prefers Duff Beer, which is also one of the most well-known fictitious drinks in popular culture. The fictional beer finally became a reality when the actual Duff Beer debuted in Australia's Woolworths Supermarkets in 2014. While being marketed as an adult cartoon, "The Simpsons" also has a predominantly younger audience. Heck, Disney+ has it!
The drink was considered to be in breach of the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code because it might tempt children, and stores were left empty. Weirdly enough, this wasn't the first time Duff got banned in Australia. The Australian company Lion Nathan created the Duff beer in the 1990s. Despite the absence of "Simpsons" characters, 20th Century Fox filed a lawsuit and had the beer removed.
3. Dirty Bastard Beer
Bad name for a bad drink
Type: Beer | |
Why was it banned: Bastard is a bad word | |
Why is it dangerous: You might look bad in bad (lol) | |
Level of intoxication: Moderate | |
You should be old enough to use a derogatory term like "bastard," especially in a public place like a bar, if you're old enough to purchase beer legally. Nonetheless, due to the vulgarity in its name, the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board outlawed Dirty Bastard Beer. Even though it was obvious that children weren't the target audience, the board purportedly sought to protect them from such derogatory language.
In addition, the beer would probably appear the same as the rest in a supermarket to untrained eyes. Some media sources criticized this ban for being hypocritical, given that Alabama had previously approved Fat Bastard wine and Raging Bitch beer. The organization Free The Hops strongly disagreed with the board's choice and backed Michigan-based Founders Brewing Co.
2. Absinthe
Green fairy made some crazy scenes back then
Type: Spirit | |
Why was it banned: Weird effect on drinkers | |
Why is it dangerous: Hallucinogens | |
Level of intoxication: Extreme | |
Absinthe, also called the "Green Fairy," has developed a notoriety for its psychedelic and hallucinatory effects. The psychedelic side effects of Absinthe were considered to be caused by the chemical component thujone. Even that it might make individuals criminals, induce seizures and T.B., and kill thousands of people, was asserted.
By 1915, the beverage had thus been outlawed in the United States and much of Europe. Yet, individuals have recently discovered that the allegations against Absinthe have significantly been overblown. After the official repeal of the U.S. ban by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau in 2007, Absinthe slowly but surely began to make a comeback throughout the world. Indeed, the green fairy operates in mysterious ways.
1. Dead Whale Beer
Sometimes, an appropriate name is also awful
Type: Beer | |
Why was it banned: It contained dead whales | |
Why is it dangerous: PETA would get really mad | |
Level of intoxication: Moderate | |
It may sound like something from a "Captain Planet" episode. You probably had no idea that wine can contain parts of a dead whale. You'd assume that brewers would want to avoid using the phrase "killed whale" in marketing since whaling is a sensitive topic. Yet the Icelandic firm that makes Dead Whale Beer couldn't have been more straightforward.
Animal rights campaigners were obviously not thrilled with this beverage. Even though the health factor of the beer is increased by 5.2% by the whale, according to brewer Steji, the health inspector nevertheless decided to stop distribution before it even started. This wasn't a unique event; whale skin scotch whisky and Moby Dick whale cocktails have both come under fire.
The spirit of Prohibition lives on, pun intended. Although the period of banning all drinks is long over, some spirits are still forbidden to produce and drink in some parts of the world. The reasons behind the bans are various, ranging from hazardous ingredients to shoddy distribution and offensive advertising.
What's your favorite, or least favorite, banned drink from our list? Which drinks would you add?
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